mysticism in the american society

sex attacks and rape attacks at 2546 ross road


10:00 pm

we have a rape attack, which links into citbank videos with mr wrists (foremer ceo) the other one in front of the lake hinting at jumping into it, that showed up on utube along with a goldman sach money video, then we have some strange thing

running around in the body of the victim..states he is flashing the lt governor robinson image on the visualization screen, when they started their attack, and also state that she saw images of his wife earlier 

in the morning. the some questionaire about daycare centers on the internet while job searching..

10.18.2024 and 10.17.2024

thing running around in vagina and lower paid and have cash in the bank, showed up yesterday trying to spend money or not spend money..while thing runs through body, old game of cars with mufflers running

up and down the street to irritate thing in body..Also before this thing in body, habitat for humanity showed up claiming to be surveying for roof to be fixed..a few days later this thing starts up in the body. Also CNN with the muslim clown..we think he is the pervert with the thing running around in the body...Also we have the lunatic house shows...trying to get someone to move into lunatic and psychotic housing...caught ABC with the lunatic housing and Hoda flashed that nutcase house in upstate new york.

lemondade in refrig

trailer/rv dealer in garner with RV with descriptive names.....coleman : christian coleman trac star , cambell: model  , Jay: Jay Zee , Ram : Mar 

trying to make victim move from durham to trailer, RV, prefab cabin, in Dallas   



Next day...we have pervert picture imagery...swelling of the vaginal wall muscles of a female to grotesque size while laying on a bed, this while

they have that thing that moves around the body in the vagina and the swelling of the stomach muscles of the victim

there is a camera shot from the feet up to the vaginal wall muscles...then remarks how funny it is to look at this......

clothes clingy to the body witchraft they have the clothes being caught in the butt and crunched up around the inner thighs.......

mail targeting with flyers for campaigns for reelection, which are targeting other folks improper, immoral or illegal behaviour....

being put into us post/mail boxes..use of the federal mails to intimidate or insult someone while hiding behind sending out the flyer as a political campaign advertisment...



this clown is after money....
this bitch is going to live where I say so, not where she wants to live but where this clown chose for you to live and is sorry ass cult and niggers and africans and Spanish all of which they caused and not you..

and if you try and get out
of his nonsense living in durham then has a bunch of psychotic retard activities for living to try and lure you back to you have to get out of durham
and when you leave durham do not go into lunacy just to get out of durham..

so the one that has all that psychotic lunacy is the cult guy trying to operate his durham junk show...

what he is trying to get is 

a car to drive paid for with your money
land paid for with your money
websites paid for with your money
get 400 in cash to mae and through mae to them

you have to see stupidity and psychotic living/be homeless or living with others...or living  in stupid areas of the country, woods and forests so I can get these things paid for with your money

a bmw
400 in cash

so to get these things is to show you psychotic living tents,rv, and tell you based on these psychotic living patterns you should live in maes shack..however living in
mae's shack involves these clowns getting
a bmw
400 in this bitch is saying do not pay your rent in an apartment so I can get 400.00 from mae from you
don't live in your apartment and pay rent or light bill so I can get around a bmw, land, or websites that you bought

so this is a theif show right..they are trying to steal. however to steal you have to be without an income or an income large enough for you to live on your own
if you live on your own then they cant steal

see you went to Texas and they were in Texas and they tried to steal a bed from rooms to go, living room furniture, they tried to get a washer and dryer and refrigerateur an stove and told us that if they gave you and old one you would replace it with a new one, which you did not do.

the same with the kitchen cabienets, the bitch is so stupid, show her a trailer without wall boards and tell her to build a cabin..which includes
getting kitchen cabinents
obtaining stoves and refridgerateurs
moving your furniture that they tried to steal in Texas to the unit in Texas still trying to move it in and around the theif group

you are suffering, and without a home to live in so they can position you to steal from you or to steal from mae through you
or to steal money or a car from you using mae

how do we get out of durham but not go into open land, no tents, no budget inn hotel rooms..see everything that is stupid and is rentable that they can then kick you out of and back to durham

so we have to get out of durham and the united states because they tried to steal furniture and stoves and cars while in dallas and they will pull it in any state so where ever you go in the us the thieves will buy shit with your money and then try and move the shit they bought with your cash to durham..however in this case they can't turn you into a mover since you wont kick out the cash to pay to move that junk they bought in Texas

if you go over seas, then they cant move the stuff you bought overseas into the united states, so they cant steal it..they wont be able to drive cars you buy because the cars have the steering wheel on the other side of the car..they wont be able to use appliances and tvs and computers because Europe is on a different ac outlet

so we know you are going overseas to get away from them, their theif shows and that stupid ass cult they tried to draw you in

I will get land in Texas in the cult mind is a place to buy things and then drive them from Texas to Durham

So hand her shit that she has to "fix" where the fixing of that shit is buy shit for the shack in durham...

they keep running back to durham because they are trying to steal from mae 

see i need a free source of income that I can tap into and get shit like 200 tennis if I ask Carolyn for 200 she will tell me to get out of her I will get 200 from grandma and to get this 200 I will have Carolyn give mae 400 to live in her shack adn then I can collect the 200 from grandma..but to get the 200.00 you cant pay your rent and light bill in your apartment, because you would spend your money on rent and then there would not be any spendble income to get me tennis shoes from Carolyn pocket to maes pocket to someone else pocket..that is why you were having issues in dallas

first thing they tried to steal was the BMW

dive the BMW from dallas to durham
drive the BMW from durham to dallas
lets do it a second time

dive the BMW from dallas to durham
drive the BMW from durham to dallas
the third time lets cause her to not be able to register the car in dallas
lets mess up the inspection valvue
now drive from dallas to durham and register the car in durham

so first lets drive the distance and now lets register car in durham
so they are putting you through changes because they are trying to steal a car

cause her to have no money, cause the car payment to be backed up...but mae has a credit card with enough money to pay the car..
that shows guilt and it shows these clowns trying to steal a bmw from you and using mae money to pay the car..

see if is the same gutter new York lunatic trick..remember when mae and lester wanted the sweat shirt..and lester told mae here let me pay for it for you and he paid for it..then when they got back to the shack mae went to get the sweat shirt and lester grabbed it and there was nothing she could do to get it because he had paid for it.

so they are pulling this never ending theif show over and over and over again it is always the same stupidity..
in Willingboro, they threw mae into financial binds and stole that fire place for pat Dixon claiming to help out mae with cash
the mae had that brown truck and she "gave it to jean to drive" again get the vehicle to mae and then from mae get it to jean

now get the vehicle to Carolyn and now how do I get this vehicle from Carolyn..same retard thievery

and the things that they have been using your money to buy and steal from you
those dress that they bought at big overweight bitch store, then the clothes they were trying to buy at Walmart
the land
the bmw
it is a big ass thief show..and you are suffering and going in and out of mental abuse so these clowns can lift shit out of your pocket to enrich themselves..

now how does the white figure into all this thievery....that is what is a white female or male doing trying to use your cash to buy shit and who are they trying to give this shit to that was bought with your cash...and what can be done to make these clowns pay back ever freaking dime that they have stolen from you 

remember when I told you about them trying to bilk Johnathan for cash..I told you they told him to get a job at a grocery store and I said that he could not live an independent life in his own home because the grocery store job did not pay enough for him to live independently, but it did pay enough for mae to threaten him, if you want to live in this house you are going to pay me cash..

so they told the clown not to make enough to live on his own. but to make just enough that someone else can cash in on his labor and work by threating him with housing and homelessness..that is either you pay or you become homeless and he would not have a choice as he has no income or not enough income to live on..

so the same here, they are trying to do not have enough to live on on your own and they are intentionally holding and withholding housing, housing vouchers, decent housing rentable homes all in an attempt to push this shack on you to get 400 in cash to buy these clowns tennis shoes with your social security income or to get in and around that bmw car..

and we know the ones that are causing this are countrified bumpkins with that stupid ass land, those trailers and rvs and those fucked up flip and fix retard clown houses

now how do you get rid of these clowns and get yourself back into decency on your own and footing and paying your own bills with an understanding that I will not return to durham due to another of their scams, skits and routines..

so we need to get rid of all the things that they bought with your cash...

here ms akins buy this it is for you, but it has someone elses name in codes on the item
here ms akins become a big fat bitch and buy big fat bitch clothes see these are for you but there are other bitches who are fat and looking for clothes paid for with your cash

now here ms akins work at this job and lose your social security 1300.00 monthly

why would they want you to lose the 1300 monthly in social security

do they control the job market..didn't we go through this the last time in durham
when they told all of us that nigger bitches belong in kitchens in shacks raising their nigger bastard trash
and those folks stopped you from working for over 5 years, no income living hand to mouth with just enough food stamps
then they went to the Bronx and for 8 years they had you living in a cage in a slum with no money, no income and no job and then this theif told me due to his codes, skits routines that he is entitled to cash out my pocket..

so if they got the social security then you would be without money and they would only allow you enough money to operate their thieve show in the gutter, shacks or where ever there gutter circus show ..and how many times have they fired you or hired you to these stupid ass jobs..

because if you work and have a career, not a job a career, then they would not be able to steal, they can only steal in poverty situations, thinking that no one is looking or cares because of the destitute situation..

now lets talk about sugar

when you were in Texas you notice your feet pushing out and your fingers bloating..that is diabetic symptons the she told us that this was because of the amount of sugar you we cut way back on sugar..

can you see this job with maine state and the database called sugar as linked to sugar diabetic condition she tried to cause in dallas..

so this job is one of her dallas circus/routine scams, but you left dallas due to her spending your cash and not paying your she tried to pull her sugar/maine state scam in durham

so see you are constantly going back and forth and back and forth in this bitchs cult scam/skit/routine..and she used the sugar and the cvs to steal your social security..

see you want to work and make your 1550 but notice under their job control, no part time jobs come available, but any job that is full time that would cause you to go over the 1550 and lose social security disability is literally shoved at you...and that lady at TJ Maxx when she did not hire you at the part time customer service..shows they have job and income control again for their shack show scams

now you have a concern that they are after my mother with that hebee jeebe mess on her legs..they are after her money/equity in her home and concocted a way to get 1/2 of her equity through you, paying on some land out in the middle of nowhere, which failed..

now they are back in durham again

run ms akins out of dallas to durham
tell her about how great it is living in shacks and cages and fucking durham deadbeat niggers/Spanish
grab some above average niggers/Spanish males and stalk her with them..see this is this same old Madonna circus
beautiful stranger, this bitch doesn't want to be bothered with the uglies, so grab the ones that are above average in looks and gradually 
dump the hideous ugly ones around her for her cash.
now when you leave, you do not have to be bothered with their ugly nigger/Spanish shack show in durham...
but to stop you from leaving is to get your social security check

this started when you were working but going over your then they told you to pay back the amount over the limit, however they 
knew that you would be retiring or would take an early based on the income that they had when they first calculated your social security disability/pension they knew that if you took early retirement you would get 980.00 dollars and if you deduct your medicare you would get 780.00  so they knew if you took early retirement and medicare at 62 you would get 780.00.

do you understand that someone sat down and calculated how much ssd you would be entitled to and how much retirement you would get at 62 years of age.  then they caused you to work and go over your income level and you had to pay back, however as it turned out you had to pay back 750.00 monthly plus 200 for medicare or or the person that had you working in those 35 months did so so you would incure a
750.00 payback.

now if you take early retirement you get 950 minus the 750.00 payback which would have left your with 200.00 - the 179.00 medicare would have left you with roughly 21.00 monthly in retirement income a month..

now they failed at they handed you this sugar job and told you to go over and lose ssd in January..but not to worry because you can take early retirement in April and get your 950 - your payback of 150 which would leave you with 700.00

so they tried to make you lose over 1/2 of your social security retirement check of 1400 to 700

now why would they want you living on 700.00, and if you paid the car you would lose 600 and have 100.00
or those land payments you would lose 325 100 425 (rio land) and you would have 0.00 in retirement income but living in a tent

so this 700.00 is the same Jonathan syndrome working at the grocery store, enough to pay mae money to live in her home but not enough to live independently in my own home..

now she is saying if you try to live independently on your own, I will cause you to have to work full time jobs to make you go over your 
1550 income which would cause you to lose disability and early retire with the 950

so she is trying to ensure that you do not have enough money to live independently on your own but can be bullied with if you want to live her pay me or else get out and live on the street..

so in this case if she stated get out you have 1300.00 to try and live on and these jobs is what she used to get your 1300.00 which is not much but it is a start..

now lets work on check list witchcraft..

I want to get even with ms akins for some dirt she did

here is a check list of all the gripes I want to get even with her about
1. laughing while I was working in a pharmacy to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________
2. being able to run 26 miles while I am limping/hopping now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

3. not aging now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

4 not being fat now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

5 drinking coffee while I work in a coffee shop now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________
6. buying nice to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

so you are going through whatever she states or to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

7. anger at the to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________make her kid marry a black

don't want to be a part of my to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________buy and build things that link her to my cult

8 dont like trailers now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________

9 laughing at the Spanish in those animal porn shows now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________make her buy a farm with animals out in the middle of nowhere

10. lauging at prostitutes, now to avenge and get back at ms akins have her do ___________
nuns...try and turn her into a prostitute or a nun

11. muslims...make her live in Egypt which is predominately muslim

so someone has a check list and they are causing you to do things that are on this checklist that is to avenge the items on this check list...

12.  issues with clemmon...have mae around a male who looks like clemmon

13.  the walking dead or living but dead routine
they have a demonic on you who is tasked with doing this or causing the appearance of this

sit around dint nothing as the world goes by
so others are active and you are "dead"/sitting around doing nothing 
you are making "no progress", "no forward momentum", while others are progressing, growing and changing and improving
but you have no forward progress or momentum, stalemate, stopped, dead
and if you make any progress, undo it, stall it, stop it reverse it and bring the situation back to "no progress"

controlled deadbeat/dead activities as progress
if some progress is allowed it is always psychotic, retard, lunatic, progress..if the victim is aware of the psychotic lunatic
come up with ways to excuse away the lunacy and pyschosis..but the progress toward lunacy stupidity and humiliation in activities
now while progressing toward stupidty and lunacy, others are progress toward normalcy, careers opportunities, money and advancement..

money..if she gets cash get it from her with scams and skits and routines.others grow wealthy..but the dead we steal from them or hand them things that are psychotic for their now if you bought something psychotic or are being scammed as you will have to make excuses for the psychotic activity to justify the lunacy.

14.  things are going her way..throw in a monkey wrench and jacknife and try and bring about some kind of disorder or stupidity..
     she got this or that  how can we get it from her
     make her want items she is not supposed to have, that are dangerous, unsafe, psychotic

spanish cult show

so we have a Spanish cult show, we are trying to get rid of the Spanish

the idea is to use your social security income and obtain items
then try and get the Spanish male around you to obtain the items they bought with your social security income

40 acres land in apache county
160 acres in Wyoming
then they tried the 20 acres in presidio

then they went with the apartment unit on preston rd and 
then they went with the car with the 510 written on the motor of the bmw

now they are sitting on maes 100,000 in equity in her home

then we have the internet sites with the
classifieds written as station ads

now they want you to come up with cash 1800 to pay for the car..but we agreed to get rid of the car since it had the 510 marking 

and we got rid of the apartment with the preston road, and we stopped the stone bridge land he tried to buy with your social security 

lets not forget the travel agency prostitution show he tried to open up with your social security income

so we need to get rid of everything that they used your money to buy, thinking that they could get this stuff from you..

also that stupid Spanish flea market..see they tried to use mae to link the Spanish to you to steal the shit they bought with your social security check and failed

since you do not go to their flea markets or interact with their Spanish they moved the flea market to a street where you run thinking they could link you to the Spanish using your running and we simply stopped running 

now the issue is 

is this a Spanish cult show to overthrow the us government or 

is this an Africa Black Muslim/Middle East Muslim/East African/Spanish Cult show to overthrow the us government...

It makes no sense, because the internet templates are created by white Italian companies and that free css is white owned station..

so it is a White/Italian white using blacks in the usa, muslims, east African blacks and middle eastern muslims, and Cubans

so now we are watching them try and make you a black cult sympathizer or a muslim they use media to show stories of the jews in israel  destroying the palestininans, and you should be outraged at the attacks and be sympathetic to muslim and black American muslim/African cults...and this is failing miserably as well..

also note the muslim looks like the Indian who looks like the Palestinian  who looks like the central and south American who looks like the muslims in east  and in Egypt..

why are they around the idea is to operate their cult, or to use their cult and cult philosophies to steal items and income from you...and we already told you about the Spanish one out in front of the blacks leading the blacks to get killed by white policing systems and militaries in these government overthrow routines..

so they were trying to create their charismatic black leaders with these codes and signs and reincarnation frauds to trick the nutcase black into revolt...

And I told you that they go around photographing blacks looking like junk and animals and tell folks at national and international levels because they look they way they look they deserve nothing less than death so if the police shoot at them they deserve it based on the way they look, act, their psychotic and immorality levels etc...

so the ones who are doing this to the blacks is trying to racially exterminate blacks, and the only group in the country that wants to racially exterminate blacks is "whites"
that is white when you see them with the never ending look at me and look at you shows, where you are doing something foolish and they are doing something professional, the one who is doing this is a racist the one hand she is trying to state that she is normal, professional, and the blacks are doing something stupid or retard and due to them acting professionally and the blacks acting or are in stupid activities and circumstances..however he other agenda is to breed white hatred and then use this white hatred to join in with the blacks and the black extremist groups, that they create to be used to revolt and get killed in the to exterminate blacks, is to cause them to hate whites using look at me and look at you in stupid situations...then use the anger to send you off to the cults, both the black ones and the white fight with authorities and get killed or racial extermination...

so the white one has the easy task of doing shit to piss you off, and that is why he is on the tv and media, trying to anger you, because he thinks that anger will drive you to the revolutionary cults to get killed off in the ethinic cleansing..and you will always catch the racist who plotted the ethnic cleansing since he is the one always in a position to piss you off, by them being professional or in professional situations while they have the ones they are trying to ethnically cleanse in stupidity...and lunatic and psychotic situations...

so then we have the great trap, how to trap ms akins in and around the lunatics, how to make it look like ms akins is linked to the lunatics.(which is why they build those internet sites with their lunatics names inside of them) but since you do not interact with their nutcases..the idea is to make you a nutcase (hair clothes etc) and then try and link you to the radicals for extermination..which failed..then they went to using your cash from social security to obtain items where these items have the names of the lunatics in codes on them..again linking you to the nutcase cults shows..

especially the land out in the middle of know where which is a branch davidian cult show relook..

so to get their cult you have to interact with the poor, and the Spanish and you have nothing to do with they moved that Spanish poor flea market around the corner, which is another attempt to link their poor asses to your mother and your social security...

so since this is an extermination program and the group to be ethnically cleansed is blacks, what group in the society doesn't have a problem getting rid of blacks?

Now how did these get rid of blacks, use blacks for terrorism in the us..get around ms akins and her family..and why are they using my social security money for their cult shows?

You have poor blacks in the gutters with no way of getting cash they pick on folks who have cash money..they have been blocked out of the money making systems in the society, so they latch on to those who are not blocked from getting cash..and try and steal from them with cult philosophies and views...

Is it the blacks that are stealing or is it the whites who are stealing and claiming they are stealing money from one set of blacks to give to another set of blacks or Spanish poor folks..

next psychotic

someone is taking normal things and turning them into psychotic things.

down the street the brought in a flea they are using a flea market as a cover to drag into this section of the  town their thugs and lunatics under the excuse of going to a flea market.

the flea market is open land...the spanish have tents on open land..they use these tents to sell akins are tents designed to sell animals, that is pschotic...

you bought open land...they tried to buy a tent and a shed and said sleep in that normal or psychotic to sleep in sheds on open land

so the same one that dumped the flea market on open land pschotic is the same one that bought that open land in texas to sleep in a shed.

floors are made for humans to walk on..are floors made for roaches to crawl that is psychotic

are floors made to have designs in them that mimick humans with bowel movements...that is psychotic

in new york bronx lebanon (ibegin) ( I megin) we saw a floor with cancer nots in them that is psychotic, so the one that is subverting normal to psychotic is the british?

mae had habitat for humanity put in floors with rape attack markings on them that is crazy

so we see a link between roaches on a floor, strange markings on a floor to someone subverting normal things to pshychotic things.

so the floors with markings and animals is the same group with the open land..

which links the open land in texas, arizona, wyoming  to the bronx lebanon hospital floors to maes floors with roaches and markings ...all  being normal things subverted to pyschotic lunacy..

this thing in your vagina and ass muscle is psychotic someone around a normal ass muscle with a psychotic thing running through it..this links the rapist, perverts, to the floors, to the open the open land is linked to rapist trying to use the open land to rape/murder in nowhere places women and childrn

someone is taking normal things and turning them into psychotic things.